Lee-Anne Gillum

Your personal assistant across work and home tasks

Sort out the double-bookings

Support family & friends when you can’t be there

Alleviate your worries and enjoy your day again

Life can be hectic

Many of my clients tell me how exhausting it feels with the constant pressure of needing to be in two places at once. 

Home and work priorities are competing for their attention.

It seems like the sky is falling, but they’re the only one who’s noticed.

Imagine having someone on speed-dial who can pick up the excess.

  • Get you to your appointment and make sure you’re safe at home after.

  • Pick up the kids and take them to their grandparents in Wellington.

  • Deliver the documents, get the signature and pick up donuts on the way back.

There’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s not the locomotive heading straight towards you!

“So much easier - I didn’t have to worry”

“We were moving Mum from her home of the last 54 years into a new place. Naturally, Mum’s anxiety was high, and we were concerned about how she would cope given her limited mobility.

We decided to bring someone (Lee-Anne from There For You) in from the outside to help with Mum.

Lee-Anne took Mum shopping, to the movies, out for lunch, and to visit friends, and just generally kept her entertained and occupied and away from the chaos of the move. Lee-Anne also sorted out Mum’s new kitchen by unpacking everything and putting it into the drawers and cupboards where Mum could easily get to it.

It made it so much easier having one person to help with so many different things across multiple days, and I trusted Lee-Anne. It’s a good service and having Lee-Anne there took the pressure off me because I didn’t have to worry about Mum, and I knew she was safe and happy”.

~ Jane

Things are rarely simple

I noticed many services ticked off one thing on my to-do list. But it was so hard to find providers who could do the practical things that really helped out. 

A courier could drop off the contract but couldn’t wait for it to be signed and then buy celebratory donuts on the way home!

A taxi service could get my mum to her hospital appointment but couldn’t sit with her during the appointment or pick up her prescription on the way home. Let alone make her a cup of tea when you get back. 

I founded There for You because I know what it’s like to have a unique problem and no clue where to go for solutions.

Your personal assistant across work and life tasks who helps you

  • Be in two places at once

  • Get back control of your diary

  • Feel confident the job is being done

  • Put your efforts into the things that matter

Lee-Anne. AKA Pepper Potts, Mary Poppins & Jarvis

I’m creating something that I wish had existed when I was the busy office manager who needed to clone myself. 

I offer this (There For You) style of hands-on help to the world because I know what it’s like to have a unique problem and no clue where to go for solutions. To feel lost or isolated, with no idea how to find someone who can show up, just for you and help you find your way.

When it seems like it’s going to take a whole swath of separate services, when all you want is that one Jack or Jane of All Trades, with a car and caring attitude!

We all need someone who will be there for us. And when friends or family aren't available, or they aren't the best option at the time…

You need someone who’s there for you

I’m passionate about serving international guests, parents, older adults and children with this service - because everyone has had a time when they felt like the wheels were falling off, and everything seemed too hard to handle on their own. 

It is not an option for me NOT to show up and do this - because, without this hands-on help, my customers continue to flounder, suffer alone, and risk burning out or breaking down, and that's not okay.

With my service, they have me on their side - which floats my boat because I get to be there for them in all the ways I wish somebody had been there for me.

  • First Aid certified 

  • Full drivers licence

  • Defensive Driver trained 

  • Fully Police vetted

  • NZ Children’s Worker Safety Check

  • St John Ambulance, First Responder

  • Search and Rescue trained and experienced

  • Radio Lollipop volunteer at Auckland’s Starship Children’s Hospital 

  • Level 3 New Zealand Certificate in Emergency Care (First Responder)

“Kind support without the fuss”

"My partner was out of town when I was scheduled for an operation, and I needed someone to pick me up after surgery, provide a few hours of care at home, and help tend to our rabbits and kittens. 

I was relieved to learn about 'There For You’ through a friend.  

I liked that Lee-Anne was independent; and flexible enough to provide support to suit my needs.  Her Pre-Hospital Emergency Care training and volunteer work on the ambulance with St John was an additional layer of reassurance - knowing that if anything went wrong, she would know what to do.  

Lee-Anne was a source of calm and compassion.  She provided kind, careful support without fuss.  Being there when I needed her, yet still giving me privacy to relax without me ever feeling awkward”

~ Greg

When you need Mary Poppins, Jarvis & Pepper Potts all rolled into one

Let’s talk

Whatever your dilemma, let’s talk about how I can pick up a task so you don’t have to be in two places at once.

Get booked in

Get yourself booked in and prepare to get things done without stressing.

Be in two places at once

Relax! Feel confident and relieved that you’re back in control of your diary again. And things are taken care of!