Terms of Service

Welcome!  We know it’s tempting to skip these Terms of Service, but it’s important to establish what you can expect from us as you use There For You services, and what we expect from you.  Please read and review the following terms carefully.

As used in these Terms of Service -

  • “we”, “us”, “our”, “Lee-Anne”, “Lee-Anne Gillum” and “There For You” means L F Gillum trading as There For You

  • “you”, “your”, “yours” = the person reading this, the person paying for the service or gift certificate, and the person receiving the service

These terms set out the basis upon which you may use the services of There For You, and they operate in conjunction with our Privacy Policy, which describes what we do with personal information we collect from you. By accessing the services offered, either by making a booking or purchasing a gift certificate, you and any other service recipient signify your agreement to these Terms of Service. If you don’t agree to be bound by these Terms of Use in their entirety, don’t make a booking, and don’t purchase or use a There For You gift certificate.

Questions about these Terms of Service can be sent to Lee-Anne@ThereForYou.co.nz

Section 1: Changes to terms of service 

There For You reserves the right, at our sole discretion, to revise, update, change or replace any part of these terms of service at any time without notice. By using the There For You website or any There For You service, you’re agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these terms of service. You can review the most current version of the Terms of Service at on our website. It is your responsibility to check our website periodically for changes. Your continued use of or access to our website or service following the posting of any changes to these Terms of Service constitutes acceptance of those changes.

Section 2: Scope, price and payment

As part of the booking process, we’ll discuss and agree on the scope of service and the pricing.  Once a service has been agreed upon, the fee will be payable at the time of scheduling, either by direct bank deposit or via the online payment tool in the emailed invoice. 

  • Your booking will remain in a pending status until payment of the agreed fees is received.

  • Bookings in pending status can be cancelled by you or by us without incurring any penalty or administration fee.

  • Your service date and time will be confirmed after the payment has been received. 

Any additional charges, such as agreed additional hours and disbursements, are payable on the day the service is delivered, and payment for those can be made using our mobile payment terminal, or by direct bank deposit.

We don’t provide any additional services that haven’t been agreed upon upfront, so to be sure we’re on the same page outline exactly what you need when you make your booking.

Bookings are subject to availability, and unless otherwise stated, and package hours are for use in a single session, Monday to Friday, 8 am - 6 pm (excluding New Zealand public holidays).

All prices are in New Zealand Dollars (NZD), and include Goods & Services Tax (GST).

Section 3: Service offerings and pricing changes

Prices for services that are listed on the website are subject to change without notice.  We reserve the right at any time to modify or discontinue the service (or any part or content thereof) without notice at any time. We shall not be liable to you or to any third-party for any modification, price change, suspension or discontinuance of the service.  That said, if we quote a price to you, it will remain valid for 30 days from the date it was provided to you.

Section 4: Owner operator

There For You is a small business, consisting solely of Lee-Anne Gillum.  As a one-person business, there is a risk that something could happen to Lee-Anne, along the lines of unexpected injury, illness, vehicle breakdown etc.  Lee-Anne will keep you informed of anything that could impact the commitments she has made to you, and work with you to find the best outcome if she cannot deliver the service.

Section 5: Limited liability

There For You can only work with the information you provide, so cannot be held responsible if you forget to disclose any health & medical conditions, and mental/intellectual/physical limitations and capabilities.

Section 6: Medical related care and appointments 

Lee-Anne Gillum is very good at what she does, and has plenty of training, experience and a Pre-Hospital Emergency Care qualification.  This means that Lee-Anne can deliver the services she is offering, but she is not a registered nurse, a paramedic or an EMT.  That means she doesn’t provide medications or make decisions about how and when to administer them; she only follows instructions. Medications must be prescribed by, and administered based on instructions from, your healthcare professional.  The same applies to any interventions, such as administering a metered dose inhaler, a nebuliser, or an Epipen.

If you are hiring us for post-operative care, we will follow the instructions in your discharge papers, as provided by your healthcare professional.

Your healthcare professional might say that you need to be cared for or observed for longer than the timeframe you’ve hired us for, and that is your choice to make, and we cannot accept any responsibility for that.

Section 7: Confidentiality and disclosures

The information of the person receiving the service is private.  This means we only share that person’s information with the people they have authorised us to. The only exception is in the case of an emergency, when we will tell emergency workers everything they need to know so they can do their job.

Where you are purchasing a service to be used by someone other than yourself, and specifically for services involving companionship or care during and following medical appointments and procedures, it is important to note that we cannot disclose the details or outcomes of those services to you without that person’s permission.  The only exception is when that person is under your legal guardianship and/or you are legally entitled to that information.

Please also refer to the Privacy Policy on our website.

Section 8: Children

When you entrust us with the transport and care of your younger family members we take it seriously, and are cautious by nature. We will discuss everything in detail, to cover all our bases and make sure we have all the information we need, and you have all the reassurance and confidence you need.

By engaging our service you acknowledge that you will not use our service to remove a child from someone else’s care (such as another parent or guardian) without their knowledge and permission. 

You also agree to:

  • Tell any other caregivers or guardians of the child involved that you’ve arranged for us to do a pick-up or drop off

  • Tell the educational facility of the plan, such as ‘Lee-Anne Gillum will be collecting [child’s name] on [date] at [approx. time], from [school name] and will show ID upon arrival.

  • Send us a short video clip (via a free tool such as WhatsApp or Messenger) giving your authorisation for the pick-up.  That clip can be shown to any person who challenges us on why we are with your child on that day. It’s also something you can do for short notice pick-ups.

  • Chat with your child about the plan, or provide us with a short video clip that Lee-Anne can show them. 

  • Fill out any paperwork or forms we give you, including details like the child’s name, age, and info about any allergies and medications and special needs. 

  • Authorise us to access your home (where applicable) and provide a house key and alarm code.

Section 9: Rescheduling and cancellations

If you need to re-schedule or cancel a booking

Rescheduling incurs a $25 fee

Sometimes things change, so if you need to reschedule your appointment it will be rescheduled one time free of charge, subject to availability.  If you need to reschedule a second time, that and any subsequent reschedules will incur a $25 admin fee each time. 

Let us know at least 48 hours before the booked time. This small fee covers the additional administration and schedule juggling.

Cancellation incurs a $100 admin fee

48 hours prior - if you need to cancel your service and can let us know more than 48 hours prior to your booked time, we will issue a refund, minus the $100 admin fee.

Last minute cancellations - (i.e., with less than 48 hours’ notice) will not automatically be refunded and may incur additional fees beyond the $100 administration fee, since this would have prevented others booking the spot.

Section 10: Mileage, transport, flights and vehicles

  • Mileage is included within 25km of the Sky Tower by road.  Mileage further afield is chargeable, as are any road tolls.

  • If you need us to travel with you on public transport or via taxi or other car service, those costs will be additional.  The most common examples are

    • ferry service between Auckland & Waiheke;

    • between a hospital or medical facility & a ferry terminal;

    • a ferry terminal & a private home.

  • Where flights within New Zealand are required as part of a service, whether booked by you or by us, they must be booked as flexible fares, allowing the date and time to be changed.  This is necessary to manage any unavoidable delays with accompanied passengers, and the possibility that you may wish to reschedule the service.

  • If we drive your car or travel in your car as part of a service, you will ensure in advance that the vehicle has a current warrant of fitness, vehicle registration, is in a safe condition, and that we are noted as drivers on a current insurance policy for that car (if applicable).

    • Our vehicle will always have a current warrant of fitness, vehicle registration and be insured.

    • Where a rental vehicle is required as part of a service, the cost of the rental vehicle and any associated equipment, toll charges and fuel will be covered by you, and must include complete comprehensive insurance as part of the rental agreement.

Section 11: Health and Covid

If you or Lee-Anne Gillum are unwell in any way, your service may need to be rescheduled.  If we agree to proceed with the service, There For You will provide disposable masks to be worn by all parties, and hand sanitiser for everyone to use.


You agree to inform There For You at the earliest possible time if you:

(a) become unwell with any symptoms of a respiratory illness or of COVID-19; and/or

(b) are identified as a close contact to a confirmed Covid positive patient; and/or

(c) are required to isolate or be quarantined.

We will do our best to support you and reschedule your booking where possible. 

Should any of the above-mentioned scenarios befall Lee-Anne Gillum, we will do the same for you.

Alert Levels 3 and 4

If you have a service booked and Auckland goes into an Alert Level 3 or Alert Level 4 lockdown, the majority of services provided by us will be suspended.  We will contact you to discuss rescheduling your booking if it falls within the lockdown period.  There will be no rescheduling fee in this instance.

If you’ve booked a service for an activity that is not prohibited by the assigned Alert Level, it may proceed, provided all parties involved are in good health and can adhere to the requirements outlined on the www.covid19.govt.nz website.

Section 12: Gift certificates                                                

Bookings are subject to availability, and unless otherwise stated package hours are for use in a single session, Monday to Friday, 8 am - 6 pm (excluding public holidays).

Expenses are additional, e.g., parking fees, purchases made on your behalf, equipment rentals etc.

The gift certificate itself:

  • is not transferable, is not refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash.

  • is valid for use by the person named in the 'To' field, on or before the expiry date shown on the gift certificate.

  • includes service delivery within Auckland, and mileage is included within 25km of the Sky Tower by road (excludes the gulf islands).

  • is securely stored in our system, where the certificate number is linked to the name in the 'To' field and to the original purchase transaction, for verification purposes.

Section 13: Entire agreement

The failure of us to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms of Service shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. These Terms of Service and any policies or operating rules posted by us on this site or in respect to The Service constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between you and us and govern your use of the Service, superseding any prior or contemporaneous agreements, communications and proposals, whether oral or written, between you and us (including, but not limited to, any prior versions of the Terms of Service).

Section 14: General

We will use our reasonable endeavours to deliver the service to you in accordance with what we have agreed. Should we be under any liability whatsoever to you then whether such liability be in contract, tort (including negligence or for personal injury) or otherwise and notwithstanding any relief or remedy to you may be entitled at law or in equity, such liability shall be limited to the price at which the Services are supplied to you or the actual loss or damage suffered by you, whichever shall be the lesser. Under no circumstances will we be liable for any financial or economic loss or any indirect or consequential loss.

You indemnify us for any loss we suffer as a result of any claim made against us in relation to our supply of the Services.

These Terms of Service and any separate agreements whereby we provide you services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Aotearoa - New Zealand.

Section 15: Contact information

Questions about the Terms of Service should be sent to us at Lee-Anne@ThereForYou.co.nz and that’s it for now!  Thanks for stopping by.


022 306 9007

09 390 0609

PO Box 99782, Newmarket, Auckland 1149