A personal message from Lee-Anne

There For You exists to give you the support you need as you navigate your busy family life. 

A simple thing - such as arranging a trip for you or a family member to a medical appointment and back again - can take hours of your time and be a constant worry. With our service, you simply email or phone through the details of what you need, and leave the rest to me. I’ll make sure your loved one gets to where they need to be in plenty of time, are comfortable, and accompanied until safely back home again. I’ll even send you a post-event email or give you a quick call, noting anything I think you might want to know and sharing how the trip went, for your total peace of mind.

Our clients use us for a wide range of tasks including transport, ‘keeping-an-eye-on’ services and personal shopping, but please call me for any service that you require and I’ll let you know if I can accommodate your request.

If you are struggling to keep on top of errands, I can support you to get the tasks done yourself or I can do them for you - from shopping and gift buying, to restocking the pantry or picking up a prescription.

Whether it’s getting an elderly parent to a medical appointment, collecting the kids and keeping them out of your hair for a bit, or popping down to the shops with a friendly discreet helper by your side – I’m happy to dive in and be your-one-call-away from making things happen. 

Where do you want to go? Give me a call and let’s make it happen.


The benefits, for you